Contact Us

Here at Enfield Classic Moto Tours we know that taking on a motorcycle tour in a foreign land can be a big decision. That's why we’ll try our best at this end to make sure that each and every adventurer has the support they need to get here.

  Please click on the link above to fill out our enquiry form or use the space below for your enquiry. If you wish you can provide us with a little background info. eg. what moto/motos you usually ride, have you been on a moto tour before, how much experience you have and if applicable, your pillion has?


Having read over our website, you would like more information, we are more than happy to answer any of your queries.


  If you prefer to speak to us personally then leave a contact phone number and a good time to call and one of us will get back to you.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.


The following is the address of our hostel;

Calle Jardines, 1

Salobreña, 18680

Granada Spain

Tel: 0034 642 522 953

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